Who I am
About Me – Crystal Wong SEO Consultant
Your Personal SEO Expert
I’m a straight talking, digital human here to help your business rank better.
So you’re a crazy busy business owner? SEO is just one of the multitude of things that you need to do, but don’t have time. I get it, I’ve been there.
I’m completely obsessed with SEO and love to use my skills to help businesses become more visible on search engines and get more leads.
The digital world is complex, it can be difficult to know who is really looking out for you and your business. I believe in being honesty and transparency with clients. I use ethical strategies to help Google love your business, allowing you to get in front of more of your customers.
When I’m not obsessively checking clients’ rankings data, I am a mum to a bright little human and I love to fantasise about travelling and reading again.
In my spare time I have a weird hobby of going on tours of schools in Melbourne to find out more about these institutions that are educating our kids. I write my reviews of the school tours here: https://melbourneschools.com.au/
If you’re not sure if or why or what you should do with SEO, book a free 15 minute exploratory call with me and we can chat about what the best options are for you and your business.